
To have a healthy, productive and prosperous people of Maracha District.


To ensure sustainable safe water supply and sanitation facilities based on management responsibility and ownership by the beneficiaries, within easy reach of 90% of the rural population by the year 2023 and with an 80% - 90% effective use and functionality of facilities, then eventually to 100% of the rural population by the year 2025”.


To ensure equitable, accessible, affordable and sustainable safe water and sanitation facilities for improved quality of life of all people of Maracha District.


The Water Office is mandated to provide and promote the use of safe water and sanitation facilities in Maracha District.

Services offered: 

  • Support for O&M of district water and sanitation 
  • Promotion of community based management 
  • Construction of public latrines 
  • Borehole drilling and rehabilitation  
  • Construction of piped water supply system 
  • Construction of dams  

Allocation criteria of water sources

  • Existence of nearby safe water sources within a radius of 1-1.5km
  • Population to be served
  • Operation & Maintenance (O&M) history of projects in the area
  • Technical feasibility of chosen source (Seasonal springs, presence of nearby contaminants, etc)
  • Settlement pattern of population to benefit (sparse, linear, nucleated)
  • Sanitation facilities in the beneficiary community
  • Presence of repair personnel within the community
  • Ability of the communities to meet O&M costs of the project
  • Possibility of other cheaper safe water availability option as compared to the chosen one by communities
  • Proposed site ownership mutually agreed through land agreement before construction works start