The Natural Resources Management Department is established by the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda under Article 237 (2) b which states “the Government or a local government as determined by Parliament by law shall hold in trust for the people and protect natural lakes, rivers, wetlands, forest reserves, game reserves, national parks and any land to be reserved for ecological and touristic purposes for the common good of all citizens”
The Mandate
Our mandate is to “ensure sustainable use, conservation and management of natural resources” in the district. This is achieved through the following Sections of:
- Environment and Wetlands
- Forestry
- Lands and Surveys
- Physical Planning
Objectives of Natural Resources Department
- To increase Vegetation cover through afforestation and reforestation. Mitigate deforestation and degradation of ecosystem
- Increase community awareness on environment for sustainable use of the natural resources
- Increase wetland coverage and reduce wetland degradation
- Increase the number of institutions and communities obtaining land titles
- Promote orderly development in upcoming urban centers
- To ensure sound management of district Local Forest Reserves
- To promote and advocate for sustainable land management
Strategies to achivie the above objectives
- Strengthen functionality of Sub County Area Land Committees and Physical Planning Committees at all levels
- Prepare Physical Development Plans for each upcoming urban centers and all the newly established town Councils like Ovujo, Okokoro, Oleba and Agii T/Cs
- Create awareness among the community on the benefits of registering land and other matters concerning Land Management
- Survey and Title all Institutional lands in the District
- Carryout intensive inspection of developments in the trading centers and enforcement of development control under Physical Planning Act 2010 & 2020
Key achievments made
- Surveyed and titled over 40 Government and Institutional Lands, i.e. Health Centers, District Headquarters, Markets, Sub County Headquarters, Slaughter Slabs and many more
- Having Functional District Land Board since 2015 and approving more than 800 Land application files for registration over the years
- Operationalized District Physical Planning Committee and Sub County Physical Planning Committees to handle Physical Planning issues as required in the Physical Planning Act 2010 and 2020 as amended
- Trained members of the DLB, ALC, DPPC for the effective management of Land services
- Sensitized a number of Communities on Land Rights, Physical Planning and other issues concerning Land Management
- Generated Local revenue through Sale of Land Application forms (@20,000) and District Land Board approval fee which is payable to general fund account