
“Sustainable cooperatives, competitive trade and world-class industrial products and services”


To develop and promote a competitive and export-led private sector through accelerating Industrial development for economic growth


To formulate, review and support policies, strategies, plans and programs that promote and ensure expansion and diversification of trade, cooperatives, environmentally sustainable Industrialization and appropriate technology development to generate wealth for poverty eradication and benefit the country socially and economically.

Goals and objectives

Promote local economic development in order to enhance people’s incomes

Build up the economic capacity of a locality to improve its future and to improve the quality of life for all in the locality

Support dialogue among actors in the public sector, private/business sector and community with the specific objective of creating a conducive environment for investment through enacting byelaws and ordinances

Mobilize, form and register organized private sector into cooperatives

 Commercial Services Department policy issues

Public-private partnership (PPP) in LED related ventures

Commitment of relevant stakeholders –Local governments, the private sector, the communities and civil society to fully participate in economic development of the locally

Ensuring that local governments prioritize investments that promote LED

Consistency with the national development plan and decentralization policy and strategic framework

Competitiveness enhancement –building the capacity of the private sector to improve the districts competitiveness

Gender equality, equity and inclusiveness-encouraging effective and inclusive participation of different stakeholders 

Sustainability-promoting a local governance system that ensures optimal utilization of natural resources and ongoing processes of wealth creation

Services offered:

I.Commercial services

II.Trade development and promotion services 

III.Enterprise development services 

IV.Market linkage services 

V.Cooperatives mobilization and outreach services 

VI.Tourism promotional services